Phanh Maksong

Meet Phanh Maksong! Phanh has been dancing with us since September of 2019, and her can-do attitude is a stunning addition to our dance family!  She talks about dancing so much that her friends have nicknamed her “Tiny Dancer.” Dance has become her creative outlet, and she hopes to perform in as many Showcases as possible. Well done, Phanh!  You are certainly an inspiration to us!

A few fun facts about Phanh:

  • She has logged 70 hours of dancing at Spotlight since September 2019!

  • She participated in her first Showcase after only dancing for 3 months!

  • Her goal:  To perform in as many showcases as possible.

  • Quote:  “If I can inspire at least one other person to dance, and have fun, I have accomplished a great feat in life.”