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You love dancing. We love dancing. So let’s put our love of dancing to good use and have a blast on Saturday night at our weekly Ballroom Party! Waltz on up to the stage and let the DJ know what you want to hear and they’ll happily play it for you!
Never been ballroom dancing before? Do you have two left feet? Do you think you lack rhythm? That’s no problem at all for us. At 6:15 pm we’ll teach you the basic steps to one or two dances that help you get out onto the floor and have a good time when the dancing starts at 7:00 pm. It’s even included in the cost of admission.
No partner? No problem. Our classes are social and rotate partners and you’ll meet plenty of cool, new people. Do you have a partner and only want to dance with them? That’s cool with us too. When the class rotates just stay favorite person.
——— SCHEDULE ———-
6:15 pm – Beginning Tango & Salsa Lesson
6:15 pm – Int/Adv – SAMBA Lesson
7:00 pm – DJ’d Dance Party
——— PRICING ———-
$10 per person
FREE for members of the studio
——– MORE INFO ——–
Call: 916-649-3269
Email: Info@SpotlightBallroom.com

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